Escudo de Colombia y texto de la Unidad para las Víctimas

Ethnic communities in Chocó strengthen their organizational forms

As part of the rehabilitation measure contemplated in the Comprehensive Plan for Collective Reparation (PIRC), the process of recognition and legitimacy of the new board of directors of Jiguamiandó community council began.

During this week, the new board of directors of the community council of Jiguamiandó, which was elected by assembly in December 2019, carries out a day to strengthen the spaces of self-government, through tours of the board of directors through the communities that make up this council.

This subject of collective reparation belongs to an Afro-descendant community, located in Carmen del Darién municipality (Chocó), in which different restitution and rehabilitation measures have been implemented since the last validity, allowing the delivery of endowments and progress in the recovery of practices and spaces for community integration.

During this year, the communities have been limited by the current context of the pandemic, however, this has not been an impediment for them to adopt the new communication challenges, thus allowing consultation with the authorities to carry out this day autonomously.

With this activity begins a process of recognition and legitimacy of the new board of directors, authorities and leaders of Jiguamiandó community council; this urgent space is one of the measures contemplated in the PIRC.

The representative of the Jiguamiandó community council, Melkin Romaña, affirmed that these spaces of governance and political strengthening “will be done through small meetings of no more than 50 people and with the elements and conditions of biosecurity to protect the communities”.

For her part, Elizabeth Granada Ríos, director of this territory, reaffirmed the institutional commitment to these communities, highlighting the effort they make to carry out these actions, which have the support and accompaniment of professionals through different mechanisms that facilitate the realization of the conference in the territory.


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La Unidad para las Víctimas garantiza el acompañamiento psicosocial, la asistencia ...

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