Escudo de Colombia y texto de la Unidad para las Víctimas

Caldas Victim Participation Table presented the management report

The Board highlighted the participation in the Department of Peace and Reconciliation of Human Rights of the department and the inclusion of young people in different spaces, among other actions carried out during the 2017-2019 period in the territory.

Several achievements were presented by the coordinator of the Departmental Table for the Effective Participation of Caldas Victims, during the accountability held in the city of Manizales, with the presence of the leaders of victims of the territory and entities such as the Victims Unit, the Ombudsman’s Office, the Attorney General’s Office and the Caldas Regional Prosecutor’s Office.

The presentation of the members of the Bureau was divided into two main aspects, the first of which covered the achievements and the steps taken before the entities and the second part aimed at enumerating the difficulties in applying Law 1448.

“We are very happy to be able to carry out this accountability exercise by the Bureau as representatives of victims, some of us have already been overcoming our victimizing facts and others are in the process, but we all have a job for our communities, the important thing is to be able to impact the well-being of people who have been affected by armed conflict”, said Yesela Sanmartín, coordinator of the table.

The members of the table called for reflection so that all the actors involved in this process are keener to work united by the population, since the s that will be chosen in the coming months will have the responsibility of fighting for the extension of the Victims Law that expires in 2021.

“One of the most important objectives of the Departmental Board was to achieve the impact on several of the public policies that benefit the population, as well as an important participation in the Department of Peace and Reconciliation of Human Rights of the Department, and they made important efforts so that our young people could have a leading role in the guarantee of rights as guaranteed by Law 1448”, said Diana Posada, another representative of the Bureau.

As women victims in the municipality of La Dorada, the public policy of Women and Gender is being strongly promoted, to achieve important projects in order to transform the reality of women head of household, a space that has been strengthened with the participation of Universidad de Caldas.

For her part, Ludirlena Pérez, representative of the victims of the municipality of La Dorada, made the following proposal during the surrender: “From this space we want to promote that this type of accountability be done before the victim community in addition to the entities, it is they who must listen in a loud voice to the actions that we have directed towards the improvement of their quality of life”.

Likewise, inter-institutional articulation was carried out with the Special Jurisdiction for Peace (JEP) so that municipal participation tables, social organizations and unorganized victims can document cases of sexual violence in the different territories of the country.

Finally, Laura Moreno, territorial director of the Coffee Axis of the Unit, said that “it is a very great satisfaction for the Unit to be able to generate these spaces in which the victims manage to make their work visible and can demonstrate the efforts made before local and national entities, one of the most important things is that we are forming leaders, people who every day are more participatory in the face of the impact of politics on society”.


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