Escudo de Colombia y texto de la Unidad para las Víctimas

Ministry of Justice and the Victims Unit, present in an act of forgiveness in Sincelejo

In compliance with a judicial mandate, a recognition was made in memory of the citizen Gerson González Arroyo, who disappeared in 1992.

An act of recognition and forgiveness, headed in the capital of Sucre, the Minister of Justice, Margarita Cabello Blanco and the regional director of the Victims Unit, Isaac Hernández.

According to Hernández, the sense of homage was in memory of Gerson González Arroyo, who was disappeared on November 22, 1992.

The regional director indicated that the event was held in the Santander park of the capital of Sucre and with the presence of delegates from the other civil authorities and with representatives of victims in the department.

On the other hand, Hernández reported that in the municipality of El Chalán, the Unit led a workshop on Special Justice for Peace.

The formation, noted the director, attended by about 60 people, among which the representatives of the organizations of the victims, those of the departmental table and various officials of the municipality.


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