Escudo de Colombia y texto de la Unidad para las Víctimas

The Municipal Contingency Plan will be updated in Villavicencio

The Mayor’s Office of Villavicencio, with the technical support of the Victims Unit, has been working on the systematization of the violence events that took place within the framework of the internal armed conflict, as a measure to prevent future emergencies, through a broadly participatory exercise in the communes of the city

The Victims Unit, responsible for advising and technically supporting the care and prevention of humanitarian emergencies, accompanied the updating of Municipal Contingency Plan of Villavicencio, Meta.

“The contingency plans respond to the immediacy in the protection and humanitarian response adequate, relevant, effective, timely, coordinated and complementary, to cover the primary needs of violence victims events occurred in the framework of internal armed conflict, thus, how to prevent the emergency from spreading or that the damage caused to the victims be deepened”, said Carlos Pardo Alezones, territorial director for Meta and Llanos.

This is how the governors and mayors are assisted by the Directorate of Social and Humanitarian Management and the Subdirectorate of Prevention and Emergency Care, through the Territorial Directions of the Victims Unit.

The Territorial Director referred to how the processes have been: “Villavicencio is divided into 8 communes, with more than 200 neighborhoods. In a widely participatory exercise carried out by the municipal mayor’s office, the Community Action Boards (JAC) have been working on the construction of timelines, which allow systematizing the victimizing facts presented in the last year; Who are the affected, presumed authors, response of the different institutions and the risk scenarios. This georeferencing facilitates the subsequent stages of systematization and updating of responses to risk situations that will be documented by the local government, with our technical support”, the official explained.

Subsequently, the final document will have to be reviewed and approved, as a result of this exercise within the framework of the Transitional Justice Territorial Committees for the development of prevention strategies that safeguard the life, integrity and freedom of the civilian population, parameters contemplated in the framework of Law 1448 of 2011.


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