Escudo de Colombia y texto de la Unidad para las Víctimas

The Unit for the Victims received the Digital Government’s Seal of Excellence for open data

The certification, delivered by MinTIC, emphasizes the entity’s digital products and services high standards

In 2020 and through the National Information Network Sub-directorate, the Unit for the Victims applied to the Open Government category for the Seal of Excellence Level 1, achieving certification by the MinTIC.

This seal is given for achieving a maturity model that guarantees and certifies digital products and services high quality of different public entities within the Colombian State. The award proposes to create a virtual community comprised of academia, IT industry, citizens, public entities and international organizations. In this case, the community can interact through an open, participatory and transparent collaboration scheme, where the postulated digital services are validated.

For Sandra Ramirez, the National Information Network Sub-director: “This certification is achieved through an articulated and transparent quality work to report the population figures included in the Single Victims Registry (RUV in its Spanish acronym).” To evaluate the Unit experience, you can go to and rate our RUV open data category.


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